"Goddam money. It always ends up making you blue as hell"~J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, Chapter 15
This is Holden Caulfield speaking about money and how it can make you sad at times. For this particular quote Holden had just finished meeting two nuns who he donated ten dollars to, after the nuns leave he thinks to himself that he should have donated more to them. In which he then says this quote about money making him blue. In a lot of ways I agree with Holden on this subject, Yes I know its a rare occurrence, but I agree with Holden Caulfield, I said it, enjoy it, it doesn't happen often. Anyway, Yes indeed money can make you sad at times, but many believe money can also make you very happy, does it really though? I'm reminded of a famous saying that goes like this " Money isn't everything, it can buy a Bed, but not Sleep. It can buy a Clock, but not Time. It can buy you a Book, but not Knowledge. It can buy you a Position, but not Respect. It can buy you Medicine, but not Health. It can buy you Blood, but not Life. It can buy you Sex, but not Love. Money isn't everything." This always made a lot of sense to me and I'm sure now that you have heard it that you too understand it.

I think that what Holden Caulfield is feeling though is that either way you use money your always bound to feel some sort of regret. Whether it be you bought the wrong item, bought something you no longer like when you get home or maybe there was something better out there for your dollar, either way there's always that feeling of dought or regret. This is exactly what Holden was feeling when he made this statement, he felt that the donation he made was not enough and he wished he contributed more. So, in reality if your really think about it "Goddam Money, it always ends up making you blue as hell" J.D Salinger said it best and that's a fact. Kyles Advice for this blog thought Count your blessings, Money isn't everything in this world, it's really a minor factor in the big scheme of things.
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