What are some similarities in the books getting banned today? A few that I have found are as follows; Inappropriate language, bold statements made in the book, statements made against a certain belief or religion, or generally offending a certain group of people. It seems a book can get banned for just about anything these days unless its talking about flowers, bunnies, and Sunshine's. Did you know some states are trying to ban the Harry Potter books because they feel it promotes witchcraft, WITCHCRAFT are you serious people? I thought this was don
e when we burned and through hundreds of women off of cliffs in the 16Th century. Obviously not. Witchcraft theories are still alive and kicking with these people challenging the Harry Potter books. It really seems almost like were moving back in time with this whole banning books thing. Let people read what they want, this isn't communist north Korea, this is Canada a free country, so why aren't we free to read what we want. It's not free or fair to tell people what they can and cannot read. All in all Yes, there are some similarities in the books getting banned, but some of the stuff that's being banned is just completely idiotic. All I can really say about banning books is just Stop doing it, it doesn't help, it makes no sense. Kyles advice for this blog thought STOP BANNING BOOKS! how many times do i gotta say it.

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